Airland has been one of our loyal customer of over 17 years . Airland’s top priority has always been putting customers first, while also committed to developing high-quality mattress and bedding for every family in the market. Similarly, Armitage understands the stability and user-friendliness of a computer system is vital to ensure smooth and efficient business process in every industry.


Airland Mattress has always been the best seller of mattresses in Hong Kong. The brand’s quality-focus proposition won countless awards such as the latest World Branding Awards 2015 - Brand of the Year, Hong Kong Top Brand Award, Readers’ Digest Trusted Brand Award, Hong Kong Q-Mark Scheme Award, and the Hong Kong Safety Mark Accreditation, to name a few.


ERP System to manage retail shops & back end office

IT Support & Maintenance


  • A seamless computer system that is user friendly and adaptive to both PRC & HK culture as well as language
  • Workflow efficiency being optimized
  • Competent process of work and delivery orders along with the generation of genuine detail analysis reports
  • A compatible IT system that sync in line with the growth and expansion of the company, adapting to different market segments