The 17th FarmFest was held at Fa Hui Park in Mong Kok for three consecutive days between 25 and 27 December 2022. Armitage was proud to be the Crowd Management solution provider for this favorable public large event.
Implementation of crowd control was a must at the admission in order to avoid overcrowding at the venue against spread of Covid-19 pandemic.
Edge Computer Vision on Crowd Management
- Set the cameras in both entrances and exits of the venue
- People counting with computer vision and data no. of both people’s entries and exits were revealed in Real-Time
- Real-Time data were transmitted to edge device via wireless network and the edge device proceed those data
- Cameras were deployed in removable tent
- Able to deploy in any weather conditions and locations
- Real-Time data supports event organizers to better allocate staff based on traffic flow
- Event organizers could share such data to other related parties for better crowd management
- Data upload to edge device allows analysis of peak and low hours
Please click here for video.
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