Have you ever encounter this?:
- Company constantly purchasing fixed assets but no systemic records of new procurements?
- Have a few office locations and don’t know where the fixed assets are located in?
- Do not have a record of maintenance contract or warranty updates?
You are not alone. In fact, a lot of companies face a problem of fixed asset management confusion. ecFAMS, an all-rounded solutions Fixed Asset Management System can help you with this. It can record all fixed assets information including the supplier, assets’ detailed information, owner, holder, department, location of the assets, etc. It can also provide an instant accurate assets transfer approval flow and a complete transfer history record for easier management and record keeping.
System Highlights
- Designed specifically for SMEs
- Easy-to-use User Interface design
- Assist in managing and using fixed assets in the most effective way
- Instant reflection of fixed assets details
- Record detailed transfer history effectively
- Maximizing your ROI with a limited amount of budget and getting the best fixed assets management system
Function Highlights
- Create and manage staff, staff report duty, and resignation data
- Create and manage company, departments, and suppliers information
- Create and manage fixed assets information
- Fixed assets transfer approval flow
- Fixed assets transfer history record
- Search and list all fixed assets under holder, owner, and location
- Auto-generate email reminders and display on dashboard personnel changes such as new staff joining, staff resigns or requests transfer, etc.
Contact us now for more information at 2950 0388!