Today, nearly just about anyone can make money online. With the ease of the internet, starting your own online shop isn’t hard at all, but how to stand out among your competitors? Below are some tips to help.
One of the biggest concerns for online shoppers is the ease of payment (credit cards, PayPal, or even Alipay). To raise your probability of closing the deal, a seamless and easy shopping experience lies the highest among all priorities. Try connecting your site to your preferred ERP, CRM, and accounting systems to streamline the customer management, payment, and inventory process.
Statistics show that up to 65% traffic to e-commerce sites comes from mobile devices such as cell phones or tablets. Thus, it is very important for your shop to have a mobile-friendly site, easily accessible and responsive on a smaller screen.
We often see people making mistakes by having a really fancy website design. You certainly do not want your products to be obscured by your site’s design, so the best answer is to keep your site’s design as simple as possible. Also, make sure that your customer service contacts – be it a phone number, email, or live chat – are all clearly shown on your first page.
Views and Reviews Bad product pages can have high bounce rates, resulting in a loss of site traffic and business. It’s important to design your product views to be beautiful, informative, and lust-worthy. If possible, include customers’ review to take your site’s authenticity to the next level.
Perhaps the most important among all is ensuring payment security for your shoppers before they enter into the transaction and press the button ”Buy Now”. Explain clearly in a simple and easily understandable language and provide all necessary information clearly to your customers. You will win their trust only if you are transparent.
To learn more or to get expert advice on how to build a one-stop online shop with a highly secured integrated platform service and payment system, contact our sales representatives now at 2950 0388!