In accordance with the Standing Offer Agreement for Quality Professional Services 5 (SOA-QPS5, Cat. A Minor), Armitage was awarded the system development project from EMSD. We are now thrilled to announce that we have successfully delivered QEPPPS (Quality, Environmental and Productivity Promotion Programme Project Registration System) to EMSD.
The system is aimed at streamlining the process of Quality, Environmental and Productivity Promotion Programme which encourages teams to develop new idea for continuous improvement on the work system and process as well as to foster teamwork and innovation.
With QEPPPS, registration process for competition team and project become more efficient and accurate. As well as providing a centralized platform for competition project adjudication, the system provides judges with an easy way to evaluate projects and provide feedback to participants. The system will also automatically produce statistical reports, reducing the amount of time and effort involved in analyzing and compiling data.