Applying IOT in Public Transportation - Train monitoring system designed for MTR

To reduce the risk of derailment and to enhance its safety, we have designed for MTR’s lightrail system a traffic monitoring system combined with real time GIS data to monitor the train when it is moving. If its speed exceeds the preset speed limit, alarm will automatically go off to ensure safety. We have installed a global positioning system (GPS) in all carts of the train and input the railroad’s distance, preset default speed according to different sections and other related data into the database. The central control panel then monitors the train on the basis of these data plus real-time positioning when the train is on-the-go to ensure that all trains are under the speed limit. The system also possesses the capability to track train records, analyze data, and generate various reports.

The first phase of the project has already been completed in September 2014 and the second phase of installing monitors is undergoing.

