Complete the integration with FALCOM FOX3 GPS Tracker into ecTrak our Fleet Management System

FOX3 is German made GPS Tracker and it is a free configurable smart tracking / data logging device which can be fully adapted to user requirements. Also needed hardware options can be decided shortly before installation depending on the application. It provides analog ports and integrates with 1-Wire interface. The 1-Wire interface supports connection with multiple sensors and actuators such as iButton, Temperature Logger, Temperature Sensor, Humidity sensor… etc.

It can act a mobile client for various regular applications like Automatic Vehicle Location, fleet management, security and recovery of assets. The device offers new features like: Data Encryption, several History Modes or ECO- Drive beside standard items like status reports, alerts messaging, audio call, spy calls or geofencing.

Now FOX3 has been completed integrated into our ecTrak Fleet Management System, so you can manage your vehicles by using our state-of-art Fleet Management Solution (ecTrak) from any of your browser and install the FOX3 GPS Tracker in your vehicles.
