與Seeed Studio結為商業合作夥伴|萬訊科技新方案—巡邏機械人

萬迅科技很榮幸能與Seeed Studio結為商業合作夥伴,並鳴謝她們介紹我們新的資訊科技方案—巡邏機械人。


(「巡邏機械人」是由萬迅科技與RV Automation Technology Company Limited (簡稱 “RV”) 合作整合而成的新人工智能方案。萬迅科技負責開發人工智能方案;RV則提供智能流動機械人。)


以下為Seeed Studio介紹萬迅科技新方案 —「巡邏機械人」 的部份原文。


“ Patrol Robot is a new milestone in the development of security systems – an emerging stage of technological development that has brought the industry to a new standard of best practices for safeguarding people and property. Autonomous mobile robots designed for patrolling could reduce, over time, completely eliminate the need for human workers to keep large facilities safe. Collaborative robots can help human guards to be more effective, providing the highest level of security at a moderate cost that is much lower than the wages of employees and enhancing real-time responsiveness.


Armitage’s Patrol Robot solution brings 24/7 peace of mind to Hong Kong’s underground parking lot. The patrol robots have been integrated with Seeed’s reComputer J2011, comes with carrier boards and NVIDIA Jetson NX module, and fully automatic robotic security guards without operator supervision.




關於 Seeed Studio

Seeed Studio 於2008年在深圳成立,為全球的技術開發商提供開放技術及硬件支援,更緊密地連接技術開發商與硬件供應商之間的聯系,降低開發革新科技的門檻。


藉著Seeed Studio 可靠的技術支援及龐大的全球網絡,讓她們致力成為全球整合性最高的物聯網、邊緣分析、及人工智能應用的平台。


